Official Community Plan Revitalization
Welcome to our OCP Revitalization Project page!
This is where the NCRD will post all information and news related to our OCP Revitalization Project for Haida Gwaii.
Project Background:
An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a "constitution of land use regulation"; which guides how communities grow and develop over time. OCPs are intended to be living documents; which reflect the unique Vision, Values and Goals of residents in the short- and long-term; as well as the policies of the regional district in fulfilling those goals over time. While an OCP does not legally require the NCRD Board of Directors to take specific actions, the NCRD cannot take actions related to land use which are inconsistent with the OCP without first consulting with the general public and amending the OCP.
On Haida Gwaii, the NCRD has 2 OCP bylaws in place: the Sandspit-Moresby Island Official Community Plan Bylaw (adopted in 1995) and the Rural Graham Island Official Community Plan Bylaw (adopted in 2011). Alot has changed since then! In order to ensure that these OCPs are consistent with new provincial legislation; reflect recognition of Haida Title; and remain relevant to our current residents, the NCRD Board of Directors has resolved to revitalize both of these bylaws. In doing so, we hope to increase both the value and quality of services we are able to provide.
In order to ensure our OCPs are data-led, community-owned, and NCRD-driven; NCRD staff will be performing multiple rounds of stakeholder and community engagement activities in addition to land analysis, which will include our Complete Communities Assessment work with Urban Systems Ltd., funded by UBCM’s Complete Communities program. Engagement will include outreach, surveys, and structured activities on the ground in your community. This is your opportunity to participate in workshops and have your voice heard on issues which impact the long-term development of your community!
Key Project Documents:
- Planning 101 Slideshow
- Staff Report: OCP Workplan Framework
- Round 1: Defining Our Values Community Survey (closes May 10th 2025!)
- Round 1: Defining Our Values Advisory Planning Commission Activity
Key Project Dates:
Date | Event | Location |
April 26, 2025 | Round 1 Community Workshop | Sandspit Community Hall |
May 3, 2025 | Round 1 Community Workshop | Tlell Fire Hall |
May 4, 2025 | Round 1 Community Workshop | Howard Philips Community Hall |
Additional Information:
- Voyent! Alert Community Notifications (NOTE: Select “Public Service Announcements” if you would like to be notified of updates to this page!)
- Active Transportation Planning Updates 2022
- Active Transportation Planning Updates 2024-2025
- Sustainable Economic Development Strategy Development Survey (closes May 10th 2025!)