Economic Development

The main economic activities within the North Regional District (NCRD) include forestry, fishing, tourism, transportation and, more recently, natural gas development. Resource industries are complemented by the government, education, and health care sectors. 

Sustainable Economic Development Strategy for Electoral Areas A, C, D and E

In December 2022, the NCRD applied for $100,000 in funding through the Province of B.C.'s Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program (REDIP) to engage with residents and stakeholder agencies to develop two Sustainable Economic Development Strategies. This funding was received in 2023 and the NCRD has been working towards completing both strategies in 2025. 

The NCRD launched a comprehensive communications and enagement program to ensure meaningful engagement with key stakeholders, including community members, local business owners/operators, government agencies, and First Nations partners in its Electoral Areas.

In the fall of 2023, the NCRD held community workshops in Dodge Cove and Oona River. In the summer of 2024, the NCRD held community workshops across Haida Gwaii, including Masset, Sandspit, and Tlell. 

The NCRD is now inviting residents to provide final feedback by filling out the NCRD Sustainable Economic Development Strategies Survey. Please fill it out and include your email for follow up for a chance to win a prize.

Within our region, a number of communities and agencies are encouraging growth and diversity by promoting a favourable business climate and developing investment opportunities. The NCRD is pleased to work collaboratively with these economic development partners: